Home > Safeguarding & Wellbeing > Online Safety
TikTok is a social media platform that has become popular among children. You have to be 13+ to use this application so please check your child’s device. Here is some useful information to help keep your child safe:
https://support.tiktok.com/en/privacy-safety/for-parents-enComputing is taught weekly as a discrete subject where pupils learn about the safe and efficient use of the internet, digital communication, data retrieval, presentation and programming. They are then encouraged to utilise the skills that they have learnt, throughout all areas of the curriculum.
At the beginning of each term-time month our Trust receives and shares e-Safety guidance updates. Click on the links below to see the most recent and past updates.
The Trust’s subscription also offers access to a number of parental guidance videos which can be seen here.
Some of the topics covered are: