News 4
Lest et eaquid modiorepra ea num atus, ommodipsandi dolore exceria
Our term dates
and school day
Your child's safety
is our priority
Marsden Junior School
uniform guidelines
Up-to-date information
that you may need
“We encourage our pupils to be lifelong learners; independent, adaptable, inquiring and able to make the most of the opportunities they are given. We are committed to raising academic standards through a broad, balanced, vibrant and stimulating environment.”
Mr Jamie Stuttard – Executive Principal
The Great Heights Academy Trust strives to always provide an inspirational, positive and welcoming environment where there is a sense of pride and fun and where everyone works together with confidence, enthusiasm and mutual respect. We aim to nurture academic, personal, spiritual and social development in a caring and professional manner so that all achieve their full potential and all can reach GREAT heights.